Encaustic Art Supplies South Africa

Encaustic painting uses heated beeswax typically color pigmented and applied to a surface.
Encaustic art supplies south africa. To create something so beautiful in a matter of minutes fascinated me. There are exciting things ahead for encaustic art. Encaustry produces and distributes encaustic art supplies in south africa and promote encaustic as an art technique. The encaustic medium and tools used during the painting process are critical to the success of the art work as the artist collaborate with the materials instead of controlling it.
Buy art supplies in south africa that are focused on encaustic art and mixed media. Good replacement for black since it will not sully other colours yet can act as a neutral. In our busy modern lives it s good to know. The minute i saw a demonstration on encaustic art i was hooked.
Welcome to the home of encaustic art the original. Media that can be integrated to create mixed media works include shellac natural fibre paper metal and non toxic photocopies. We are refreshing and updating this website with the newly available products over the next few weeks. Very deep eggplant violet.
Artsavingsclub believes in making art supplies affordable through everyday low prices. Nation wide delivery in south africa right to your door step. Arts encaustic ltd glogue pembrokeshire sa36 0ed uk tel. African importer and stockists of the full arts encaustic international range of encaustic art products including waxes card low heat iron low heat stylus pen books video starter art sets specialist heads for the stylus etc.
It is a relatively new art form in south africa although commonly used internationally. Encaustic methods lend itself to mixed media techniques as transparent layers between the media can be created. We also host encaustic art workshops. The first in a series of new encaustic art products are now available.
Working with quality products enable the artist to do more and get a final surface quality that will last a lifetime. I remember standing with my eyes as big as saucers and my mouth wide open thinking to myself if i hadn t seen it with my own eyes i would not have believed it. Encaustic art ecommerce shop with all your tools and equipment needed to get started with encaustic painting. Encaustic art supplies south africa encaustry.
Encaustic painting supplies including tools mediums and encaustic gesso that you will need for your encaustic adventure.