Multi Grip Bar Exercises

The swiss bar sometimes referred to as the football bar or multi grip bar is a very popular piece of equipment for building strength.
Multi grip bar exercises. The multi grip bar aka the swiss bar or the football bar is one of my favorite specialty bars available. The multi grip bar can be used on a variety of movements including bench press incline press floor press overhead press and bent over rows. Not only does the swiss bar help you get strong but it also improves training variety and it s great for those with shoulder upper extremity issues. T grip lite is the most versatile and functional exercise bar on the market.
Exercise guide total body measurement chart. Hammer curl ez curl straight bar curl tricep curl tricep press swiss press military press behind the neck press upright row front lateral raise. The bench press catches a lot of flack for being a shoulder injury waiting to happen but if used properly it s one of the best upper body exercises for building herculean size and strength. Mutt bar is a uniquely designed single piece cast iron exercise bar that incorporates the most common hand grip options found in multiple bars.
List of primary exercises. The multi hand grip options opens up your training to a whole new level. This 100 made in usa multi grip workout bar allows you to get more out of your home workouts. Great for.
Swiss bar lat pull down assisted chins push up bodyweight rows cage press with fat gripz swiss angle grip bar jm press triceps training techniques triceps extension with chains incline front raise exercise compilation swiss bar fat gripz swiss press bar. No other bar or exercise device fuses countless calorie blasting full body exercises together. Oscillating kinetic energy oke bars the final type of specialty bar falls into a category of oscillating kinetic energy. This allows for a variety of exercises within a single bar.
Here are some of the numerous benefits.